Hilltop Brisket

Hilltop Brisket

This is our favorite brisket recipe at the ranch. It is full of flavor and super easy! Simply add the seasonings the night before. Then the next morning throw it in the oven for a delicious Sunday brunch. Or slide it in the oven over lunch & come home to a fully cooked brisket! Ingredients:
  • 3-4 lb Hilltop Brisket
  • Garlic Salt
  • Onion Salt
  • Celery Salt
  • 1 Bottle Liquid Smoke
  • 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauce (added just before cooking)
Instructions: Marinate the brisket in a 3X5 pan over night by seasoning with garlic salt, onion salt, celery salt & liquid smoke. Before cooking add Worcestershire sauce. Bake at 250 degrees 5-6 hours. Enjoy!
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